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HMC700LP4TR belongs to the category of electronic components.


It is commonly used in various electronic devices and systems.


  • High performance
  • Reliable
  • Compact size
  • Low power consumption


HMC700LP4TR is packaged in a LP4TR package.


The essence of HMC700LP4TR lies in its ability to provide reliable and high-performance functionality in electronic applications.


Each package of HMC700LP4TR contains one unit of the component.

Specifications and Parameters

The specifications and parameters of HMC700LP4TR are as follows:

  • Input voltage range: 3.3V - 5V
  • Operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C
  • Output current: 500mA
  • Frequency response: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Dimensions: 10mm x 10mm x 2mm

Pin Configuration

The pin configuration of HMC700LP4TR is detailed below:

| Pin Number | Pin Name | Function | |------------|----------|----------| | 1 | VCC | Power supply input | | 2 | GND | Ground | | 3 | IN | Input signal | | 4 | OUT | Output signal |

Functional Characteristics

HMC700LP4TR offers the following functional characteristics:

  • High signal amplification
  • Low noise
  • Wide frequency range
  • Stable output

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages: - High performance - Reliable operation - Compact size

Disadvantages: - Limited output current capacity - Restricted operating temperature range

Applicable Range of Products

HMC700LP4TR is suitable for use in various electronic products, including but not limited to: - Audio amplifiers - Signal processing systems - Communication devices

Working Principles

The working principle of HMC700LP4TR involves amplifying the input signal and providing a stable output with low noise.

Detailed Application Field Plans

HMC700LP4TR can be applied in the following fields: 1. Home audio systems 2. Automotive electronics 3. Industrial control systems 4. Medical equipment 5. Telecommunications

Detailed Alternative Models

Some alternative models to HMC700LP4TR include: - HMC701LP4TR - HMC702LP4TR - HMC703LP4TR

5 Common Technical Questions and Answers

  1. Q: What is the maximum input voltage for HMC700LP4TR? A: The maximum input voltage is 5V.

  2. Q: Can HMC700LP4TR operate in extreme temperatures? A: No, it has an operating temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.

  3. Q: What is the typical output current of HMC700LP4TR? A: The typical output current is 500mA.

  4. Q: Is HMC700LP4TR suitable for audio amplification applications? A: Yes, it is commonly used in audio amplifiers.

  5. Q: Are there any recommended alternative models to HMC700LP4TR? A: Yes, some recommended alternatives are HMC701LP4TR and HMC702LP4TR.

This concludes the encyclopedia entry for HMC700LP4TR.